F6 Test Software

Protection Testing Software

Doble’s F6TesT protective relay testing software is a visually-robust software for simple, fast, and automated testing, including the testing of complete protection schemes.

F6TesT has an intuitive user interface and features graphical protection-test modules. These modules simplify testing impedance, differential, current, voltage, directional, frequency, volts-per-hertz, rate-of-change of frequency, sync-check, reclosing and all other functions.

It is also simple to customize F6TesT for complex, special-scheme testing requirements. F6TesT tests multi-function relays with in-service settings without the need to disable other functions/elements or re-map output signals.

  • Create reusable, standardized test routines by using a combination of test modules
  • Perform acceptance, commissioning and maintenance testing
  • Test modules support spreadsheet-like calculations using variables
  • Relational database system to store relays with protection functions, test plans and historical test data
  • Document and report all your relays and functional settings, relay characteristics, test methods and maintenance test history
  • Tracks maintenance test schedules and previously performed tests; alerts when a scheduled maintenance is getting close
  • Library of impedance and differential relay models from various relay vendors
  • Reduce learning time and start testing quickly using pre-configured, function-oriented, graphical test modules
  • Create test plans and model complex characteristics easily, based upon the extensive relay library
  • Standardize test practices with automated templates and increase productivity
  • Improve accuracy and repeatability with less manual intervention
  • Verify your entire protection scheme with GPS-synchronized end-to-end testing in the powerful and versatile state-simulation test module
  • Optimize your maintenance program and prepare for regulatory audits with data from the reporting features and historical database
Protection Training Course Calendar 2018 (Doble & ENOSERV)